Thursday, 28 August 2008


On Wednesday night we had tickets to the MySpace event taking place to launch Guy Ritchie's new film - Rocknrolla. It was a first come, first served basis so we went early. It was at a bar called (I think) seOne, just round the corner from Guy's Hospital. We queued up for about 30 minutes and whilst we were in the queue they had cars and actors from the film all playing the respective parts. It was really well done I must say and quite an experience. We entered the club and they had set it up like the file so there was a lap dancing clubb, couple of bars, card tables etc. We were then led into a room where the screening was - we had brilliant seats in the second row. Guy Ritchie came on to introduce the film and give a little speech and then the film's great! If you like Snatch and Lock, Stock, you're going to love Rocknrolla. Plenty of East End gangster humour all round!!

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