Monday, 4 August 2008

Conning bast**ds

We were due to head back up to Rugeley this weekend as we'd got tickets for the Shugborough Proms night again, however...

I was loading the car up and had just put the suitcase in when a guy pulled up on the pavement and asked me for directions to a Polo Club. I said I didn't know where a Polo Club was, to which he then changed it to Golf club. Again, I didn't know where the nearest Golf club was either, so he said OK and went on his way. Meanwhile, it transpired that whilst I was distracted talking to this guy, his mate was going through the gloveboxes of the car! I couldn't believe it! The doors were open because I was loading the car - I was standing on the drive and still they had the cheek to try it on! Luckily, they only managed to get away with iPod and phone chargers as for some reason, SJ had removed all the kit the night before...lucky really as normally, the car would be full. Not any more though. They did also get away with my Oakley's though as well...robbing bast**ds!!

Anyway, we couldn't take the risk that this guy had seen the cases in the car and could come back that night as the car wouldn't be there so we had to cancel the Rugeley trip...although I still drove up to visit my Grandad (still in the Manor) and then back down the same night. What a waste of time really...still it was better to be safe than sorry...

Saturday we went into Covent Garden to get me some new sunglasses from the Oakley shop. We also had some lunch whilst we were there (can't remember the name of the place though)...

On Saturday night, we'd invited our next-door and their next-door neighbours round for some drinks. They arrived about 7:00 and we had some wine and nibbles. About 9:00 we decided to head to Va Pensiero for a bit to eat...was gorgeous food again...I really can't fault this place. We headed back about 11:00 having had a very satisfying night!

Sunday was a day spent with the doggies - relaxing, reading the papers, watching the Grand Prix (how lucky was Lewis Hamiton?). I then tried out one of the new iTunes Movie Downloads. They're very good quality but perhaps a little overpriced at £2.49...

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