Tuesday, 26 August 2008


I came back from UAE on Thursday night and caught the train from Manchester to Stafford as SJ had the car (she was due to come up on Friday). On Saturday we caught a coach trip up to Edinburgh for the Military Tattoo. This is something organised by R & J and they go every year. SJ had been before but I hadn't. We traipsed over to Shareshill for 9:30 on Saturday morning and then caught the coach to Edinburgh. We had a couple of stops on the way - Tebay services where we all had a bit of a picnic and then Moffat where it was pub time. We finally arrived in Stirling (where we were staying) around 17:30...it's a long trip on a coach. We were staying in a Holiday Inn Express so it was OK - always clean and modern. We headed to the pub opposite for some tea before heading into Edinburgh for the Tattoo.

The Tattoo itself was really good and the castle was lit brilliantly. They have bands from all over the world and then a firework display at the end. We had to queue for ages in and out of the arena - this is the price we now pay for extra security I guess, but we made it back to the coach and finally (after a brief diversion) back to the hotel.

The next morning it was back into the city to do a bit of exploring. I'd not been before so was interested to see the sights and sounds of the Fringe Festival which is also on at the moment. This really was amazing, the performers were excellent. A special mention I think to Juzzie Smith who redefines the term one-man band, and also the Aluminum Show - fantastic!

M and I climbed the Scott monument which was surprisingly easy, despite the steps being very narrow - not for the claustrophobic I'd suggest!

We headed into Stirling for a meal at Italia Nostra which was excellent and well recommended.

Sunday we headed back onto the coach for our very long trip back down to the Midlands. All in all a good trip but I think next time it would be better to drive. You just spend too much time on a coach for my liking...

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