Thursday, 22 March 2007

Plans for the weeks ahead

Thought I'd take a little bit of time to outline my plans for the upcoming few weeks. Today, I have to catch a train for the first time in years. It's only from Rugeley to Birmingham but I'm actually quite looking forward to it. The reason I'm doing this is to go and collect my car from the garage where its having its MOT. Normally my Dad would take me but he's not around today so I droped the car off last night and am fetching it back today (hope it passes)!

Tomorrow, I'm heading off to Bournemouth where I have to attend the IMC Dinner at The Wessex Hotel. I went last year and it was OK. Nothing spectacular but OK. I've got to stay the night so I'm a bit worried about Chiefy as he has been waking earlier and earlier (today it was 6:00). When he wakes he cries and whimpers and I don't think my neighbours appreciate it at that time in the morning.

Off out as well on Saturday night, L & R are supposed to be coming out for the first time in ages so it should be a good night. They were supposed to be out last week but unfortunately, their daughter was ill - the joys of kids...

Oh I should say as well that I'm seeing my solicitor on Friday. I've had to change solicitor as I was unhappy with the service I was receiving from my last one. Hopefully all seems to be progressing quite smoothly now. There've been a couple of hiccups along the way but I think we've finally managed to get things on track. The divorce petition has been issued and the financial settlement agreed. Now, it just needs documenting and signing. We should be able to do this in the next week or so with a bit of luck.

Next week I've got a relatively quiet week. The glazing company are coming to replace the patio window (again) on Monday. They came a couple of weeks ago but realised after they'd taken the window out that they'd brought the wrong size replacement with them!

D & C are moving house hopefully on the 27th so I said I'd give them a hand if I could. Problem is I'm also in Rugby in the morning so not sure what help I'll be able to offer though. Still if I can get finished early enough I'll pop over to see if I can lift some boxes etc.

I've got a week off soon as well. I'm finishing on the 5th, then returning to work on the 16th. Not a bad holiday. Officially its only a week off work but because of the Easter holidays, I am having in effect a week and a half off work. I've also got to take my parents to the airport on Easter Saturday. They're going to Mexico for a fortnight...lucky beggars!

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