Monday, 12 March 2007


Went and spent the day at Crufts on Friday. I normally go most years and I try and get there on the day the Malamutes are being shown. I had a good day, I met up with some people who I know and also met some people I didn't know previously. This year, there was a lot of interest in the Malamutes. It was packed at the ring when they were doing the judging. Best of Breed eventually went to CH Giving A New Royal Star De Jungla Negra. I think the dog is spanish but now owned by an Italian breeder. Anyway, he was stunning and the clear winner. He also then went on t take Best in Group and so appeared in the final 7 dogs judged for Best In Show last night. Unfortunately he didn't win, he was unsettled in the ring and cerainly didn't move as well as he had on Friday. The Best In Show went to a Tibetan Terrier called Fabulous Willy and he thoroughly deserved it.

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