Sunday, 4 November 2012

Blackpool redux

Our second visit to Blackpool this year...strange really, not been in years and then two visits in one year. This time we went with Jyoti and Phil and this was to attend the Feet First Charity Ball - this was the charity SJ and I did the marathon walk for earlier in the year.
It was held at the Imperial Hotel...very nice place with lots of history and character, however if I'm honest the night itself was a little disappointing. It's a shame as the charity could really make a name for's so worthwhile, but I found it "cliquey" and uninviting. I won't say that I wouldn't raise more money for it but it would be nice to get some feedback, appreciation and some general feedback. I did meet with Steve Mannion who is the main Surgeon. He was actually flying to Papua New Guinea the next day and did say if I wanted to ever accompany him, I could...maybe...maybe...

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