Friday, 2 May 2008

Busy week...

This week has been pretty busy. It was Luton on Monday for a meeting, then Sheffield on Tuesday, London on Wednesday, home on Thursday and driving to Rugeley in the evening. Not a lot has happened although I did manage to lose SJ's umbrella! This was an umbrella she loved and there's a little story in how she bought it...anyway, it was raining so I asked if I could borrow it - yes, as long as I didn't leave it anywhere! Well, of course I did! I know why I did though as I also bought a new laptop bag that day, therefore giving me something else to carry as well as the umbrella. Anyway, suffice to say SJ was not happy about said umbrella...All was not lost though as we managed to procure 2 identical replacements, as well as the customer emailing me to tell me I'd left the brolly with them! We now have 3 identical umbrellas!

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