Thursday, 6 December 2007


St. Pancras is a fantastic station. Not sure where the £800 million has gone but it's a great place. We queued to get into europe's longest Champagne Bar and had four bottles. It's not cheap, lowest bottle price is about £60 but it was worth it just to experience it. The bar itself is alongside the Eurostar line which is a bit weird as you're sipping champagne next to a departing or arriving Eurostar...bizarre...

Afterwards we headed down Oxford St, to see the Xmas lights and then into Covent Garden for our meal. We ate at a place called Rock Garden. Nothing special but OK. Following that we had a few drinks then headed home. We managed to hail a passing rickshaw...not sure he was keen on the business in hindsight, 10 minutes to cut across London with 3 people in a thanks....anyway, we made it and I didn't fall asleep on the train!

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