Sunday, 22 July 2007

New Zealand or bust

So today was the last day that SJ had to spend with her parents before they go to New Zealand on the 1st August (next week SJ can't come up here). We spent Saturday looking for some houses in Harpenden, St Albans and the surrounding areas. On Saturday night, we went for a Chinese around SJ's parents house followed by a few drinks at The Elms.

On Sunday, I invited them all over to my house for some dinner as they hadn't seen my house and I guess they'd be wondering about where their daughter would be spending most of her time whilst they're away!

All seemed to go well, I think they liked the house and approved so that's good.

On Sunday night, SJ and I went to see the new Transformers movie. We went to Gold Class at Star City. It was really good. I was a bit unsure as to what SJ would make of it - she's not exactly a film buff - but she quite liked it I think. There's not a lot of plot but the action is unstoppable. I'll be getting it on DVD when its out anyway!

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