Saturday, 20 January 2007

Stomach Upset

Indi's not been well for the last couple of days. On Wednesday afternoon she was like a tube of toothpaste if you know what I mean. Thursday she wasn't sick but there was plenty the other end...Friday, still the same so I took her to the vets. Diagnosis: Gastrointeritis. 1 x Anti-biotic injection, 2 x Anti-biotic tablets to take for a week and some Pro-biotic paste. £66 lighter and nothing but boiled rice and chicken for a week...great...

She seems a bit better today but the vets also thinks she is underweight...she currently weighs 24kg, light for a female malamute...she should be about 30kg's I reckon. When she's got over this stomach bug I'll be trying to feed her up a bit...

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