Friday, 1 December 2006


Well, Indi was absolutely exhausted on Wednesday night at Dog Training as I suspected. Note to self, don't go kickbiking when you have training on the same day. It was probably the worst she's been there for a long while...

I put her down for the test on December 10th, although I think this is more wishful thinking than anything...we'll see.

Been kickbiking again today. She still loves it, although the constant distractions of people/bikes/horses/dogs are a little annoying for Indi and we have to keep stopping and then going again...

Over the weekend, I'm off to the Fort again on Saturday for my supply of NRT...Day 18 and still no fags. Then it's back over the Chase again for a walk with another Malamute and their owner. Sunday, I think I'll go up to Sherwood Forest to spectate at a dog rally with Indi. Never been to one before so should be good fun.

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