Monday, 21 May 2012

Birds Nest

Having arrived back in Beijing, I was able to visit the Olympic Park and the famous Birds Nest stadium. very impressive although there is something a little sad about the fact that the whole site is rarely used is also interesting in that the Park is built on the North / South line that runs throughout Beijing, from the Mountains to the Forbidden Palace.

Every athletes name was engraved in the stone, both for Olympic and Paralympic.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Toad in the hole

We spent some time in Sichuan province...this is the place where food is HOT! We have a version of this in the UK but it is nowhere near as hot as the real thing...

The first problem is the menu...indecipherable...unfortunately this does lead to my colleagues ordering some strange things, in this case, toad. To be honest it simply tasted like chicken...

Wednesday, 16 May 2012


Had to travel to Beijing with work again. I went for a week this time, however i made sure I had an extra day in order that I could get to the Great Wall. I booked a trip with the hotel, which took us to the Ming tombs as well as to the Great Wall. Unfortunately the weather wasn't great but it was still an amazing sight...will have to try again when I next go!

Of course there was the obligatory selling job...this time a jade factory...actually quite interesting and a factory that used to make armaments in communist time, but now makes water filters! Very odd...