Saturday, 30 January 2010
New Car
Its that time again where I need to start thinking about a new car. My current one (RAV 4) is approaching three years old which means it needs replacing from the lease company. I think that I'm going to opt out of the corporate scheme this time around. Its really not cost-effective anymore as I don't do enough driving. Problem is, I still need either an estate car or a 4 x 4 because of the dogs. I'm looking at possibly a LandRover, or maybe an Audi A4 Estate. LandRover do a pretty good contract hire deal so I'm going to explore that option first...
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Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Thursday, 28 January 2010
iPad therefore I am
So, it was released then - the fabled Apple tablet - the iPad. Looks really cool but I can't help wondering if you have a MacBook and an iPhone you probably don't need one. I'd still like to get one though I guess! Let's wait for the uk pricing to be released anyway...
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Location:B462,Aldenham,United Kingdom
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Tablet or not tablet?
Will Apple launch the fabled tablet tomorrow then? Who knows, certainly not me but I'm hoping they do! This time tomorrow all will become clear...
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Location:Hitchin Rd,Luton,United Kingdom
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
The Fox @ Harpenden
Yesterday and today we've had all day meetings at work and last night I stayed over at the Hilton garden inn in Luton. I've been in this hotel many times but never stayed as it's relatively close to Radlett.
We went for a meal at the fox in harpenden and it was not bad. I had fish and chips and the fish was well battered, chips were good. Overall very nice. For the first time in my life though I had a fish bone stuck in my throat. Christ, what a horrible experience! Eventually it came out but not until after some serious "work"...
...blogged from my iPhone
Location:Lilley,United Kingdom
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Final Destination 4
Just watched this film. Was nowhere near as good as the original...I guess this is the same with all sequels - they gradually lose their "je ne said quai".
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Location:Bonney Dr,Rugeley,United Kingdom
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Friday, 22 January 2010
The day has arrived...
Today is the day of my grandfather's funeral. He died a couple of weeks ago, following a lengthy illness which effectively robbed him of all his abilities. It started off with a stroke and then worsened with him having continual mini-strokes. It ended up at the point where he did nothing but sleep. He spent his latter year at St Josephs nursing home in Stafford. What an amazing place! The staff could not do enough for him and if anyone is reading this as they've been searching for nursing home Stafford, trust me, you cannot get better.
My Grandad had a very special and interesting life. Of course, he’s my Grandad and to me, he’s always going to be special so I wanted to share with you part of an article written by The Black Country Bugle some years ago:
“George showed the attributes of a natural athlete, willing to strive to the limits of his powers both on the football field and in the boxing ring. As a member of Kynock Amateur Boxing Club it didn’t take George long to absorb the rudiments of the game and, with his natural strength and pugnacity, quickly establish himself as a formidable performer in the ring. Always the first to attack, he gained many victories until a broken hand put paid to his amateur boxing career.
George then resumed an earlier footballing career, signing amateur forms for West Bromwich Albion. Unfortunately the commencement of the Second World War put paid to his ambitions in that direction. He joined the Royal Marines where implicit confidence in himself, allied to boundless energy stood him in good stead. He was quickly made up to Corporal and then to Sergeant - Physical Training Instructor. He took up boxing once again, representing the Combined Services at Draganza in Bombay, however in 1942 he was seconded to Barmouth, North Wales as a Sergeant Instructor on the Royal Marines Commando Assault course. Many well-known sportsmen passed through his hands, including Trevor Bailey (England cricketer), Willie Watson, (England footballer and cricketer), Tommy Caper (Manchester United), Reg Cumner (Arsenal & Wales), Sep Rutherford and Alex Jackson. Trevor Bailey once said of George, and I quote “He is the hardest man I ever met…” An opinion you have to respect from a brilliant and uncompromising sportsman who went on to play at Wembley in front of a crowd of 98,000.
After the war and upon returning to Civvy Street, George, then 26, had a few bouts with Wolverhampton Amateur Boxing Club. He met up with Alf Taylor who had served under him as a Corporal PTI during their Service Days. Alf persuaded him to sign up as a professional with his manager, Pete Ray, which led to George training with such well-known fighters as George Roe, Derrick Alexander, Ron Price, Sam Caddick and “Nipper” Price. His start in the professional ranks began in explosive style when he stepped in as a last minute substitute for Ron Price at Gosta Green stadium against Dick Johnson. George knocked Dick out in the first round to pave his way for a short but successful career in the paid ranks. Among those he beat were Bob Marlow, Joe Meredith, Billy Hill, Tommy Price, Tommy Daly, Ginger Ward and Herbie Smith. It is of interest to quote from the contents of a letter written to George by his manager following the latter fight…”After your win over Smith, you can be sure of regular first-class engagements. Unfortunately I am not having any luck regarding you challenging Hal Bagwell. It appears he’s only 9st 5lbs and won’t take anyone over 9st 9lbs”…Hal Bagwell being, according to a much disputed entry in the Guinness Book of Records, holder of the world record of 183 contests without defeat between August 1938 and November 1949.
George’s career continued but the financial rewards were never great – his biggest purse was £25. He also developed weight problems with a local hospital specialist advising him to retire from the game. George was a natural 10 stoner and having to constantly get down to the 9st 7lbs weight limit upset his metabolism, and resulted in carbuncles appearing all over his body. He had always enjoyed the benefits of a good job outside the ring - working as a furnaceman, but due to a shortage of orders, got laid off. However that only inspired him to form his own company, a scrap metal concern, and take on his fist employee, Neil Buckland who remains with him to this day. Of the early business days, George said…”The small foundries would pay us more money for the old cylinder iron if we supplied it broken up into small pieces, so alongside Neil, I worked all day in the yard swinging a 28lb sledge-hammer breaking up the cast and then drove a lorry through the night down to South Wales to bring back coke for the foundries…” Nowadays he employs eight men – crane and lorry drivers, burners and shearers.
Well past retirement age, George spurns a life of leisure and continues to work as hard as ever. He hates having time on his hands, but does enjoy a round of golf at Oxley Golf Club and is a keen dancer where I am told his footwork is still nifty.
Of course I’d do it all again, was his response to the inevitable question…..”I bloody well loved it…”
My “Grandad George” – Simply The Best
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Galleries edinburgh
They've opened the new galleries lounge at Edinburgh airport. It's pretty nice although a little small. Still, it has all the usual drinks / food etc and is far better than the "normal" terminal.
...blogged from my iPhone
Location:Jubilee Rd,Edinburgh,United Kingdom
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
BA Galleries
Just off on the first trip of the year. Not exactly a long one - just going to Edinburgh for the day. I'm hoping that this year slows down on travel - last year was manic!
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Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
Just on the train into London. We're meeting up with some friends tonight for a meal at Gauchos. It's my second time there - the first visit being excellent. Let's hope tonight is as good...
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Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Monday, 18 January 2010
The Green Man
Been out for a meal at The Green Man in Offley tonight. It's the second time I've been there in a week. It used to be a really nice food pub but it's not so great now. I think it's been bought by a pub chain and that's the reason. Still - was ok
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Location:B462,Aldenham,United Kingdom
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Dancing on Ice
We're now back in Radlett...hell of a journey down, Chief just would not settle and constantly "patrolled" the boot of the car...he's now playing incessantly with his Kong Wubba.
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Bar Sport
Went out last night in cannock. It was for one of our friends birthday. We started off at the Saleem Bagh. It's been a he'll of a long time since I've been there and although it was incredibly busy, it wasn't as nice as it was previously...still good though! We then went to Bank which was fairly quiet and then to Bar Sport which was packed. Can't help thinking I don't fit in to this lark anymore though...downstairs everyone was too young, upstairs everyone was too old!
...blogged from my iPhone
Location:Bonney Dr,Rugeley,United Kingdom
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Saturday, 16 January 2010
Bada bing
Just had a spot of lunch and a glass of red vino in Telford. The bar is called bada bing and it's not bad for snack food if you're in the area...
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Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Friday, 15 January 2010
Week finished
Another week over. Just been to Va Pensiero for a bite to eat...very nice as usual. Now just watching kevin mccloud in Mumbai and the slums. It's so's exactly as I remember Mumbai. Why do people pay so much to live there?
On a lighter note, chief thinks he is ruling the roost...
...blogged from my iPhone
Location:B462,Aldenham,United Kingdom
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
More snow
Yet more snow this morning...another couple of inches overnight. Of course traffic is at a standstill, however I must say that the 4 x 4 is great. I've not been stuck yet (touch wood).
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Location:A5183,St Albans,United Kingdom
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
New York, New York
We've just booked a 3 night break in NYC! Fantastic!
...blogged from my iPhone
Location:Aldenham,United Kingdom
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Starting a new diet this week as I'd managed to put on about 9 lbs over the last few months. I'm tracking it on Weightbot (iPhone app) so hopefully it should motivate me to ensure it quickly comes off!
...blogged from my iPhone
Location:B462,Aldenham,United Kingdom
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Monday, 11 January 2010
Looking out the window it's still a little dreary. It does look like it's thawing but slowly. This afternoon is likely to be a whirlwind of conference of joys!
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Location:Luton, UK
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Another cold one
So, back down in Radlett now. Took dogs this morning - cold but not as cold as recently. Should thaw I reckon today...
...blogged from my iPhone
Location:B462,Aldenham,United Kingdom
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Sunday, 10 January 2010
(Grandad) George Edgar Dorsett 05-10-10
There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream
The earth, and every common sight,
To me did seem
Apparelled in celestial light,
The glory and the freshness of a dream.
It is not now as it hath been of yore; -
Turn whereso’er I may,
By night or day,
The things which I have seen I now can see no more.
The Rainbow comes and goes,
And lovely is the Rose,
The Moon doth with delight
Look round her when the heavens are bare,
Waters on a starry night
Are beautiful and fair;
The sunshine is a glorious birth
But yet I know, where’er I go,
That there hath past away a glory from the earth.
...blogged from my iPhone
Location:Colton Rd,Colton,United Kingdom
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Well looks like the snow forecast didn't arrive overnight. I guess the forecasters are being overly cautious now having been caught out in the past. We're off down to Radlett later after popping down to my grandads house to let the dogs have a run round. Hopefully some pics later!
...blogged from my iPhone
Location:Bonney Dr,Rugeley,United Kingdom
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Saturday, 9 January 2010
A little chilly
So the last few days have been a little on the cold side here with temperatures going as low as minus 22 in some areas!
Rugeley has had some snow but not as much as Radlett. Here's some pics from earlier this week...
...blogged from my iPhone
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief