Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Czech two times

An unexpected trip to Prague for was one that I had not banked on, nor had I really wanted to go...still one can't refuse I suppose...

This was for two nights only, flying in and out of Luton. The only flight available was Sky Europe and I must say, this was the hardest landing I've ever had...we literally bounced along the runway...

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Black Country Museum

For my parents birthday, we went back up to Staffs. It was my Dad's choice where to go and he chose the Black Country Museum. Unfortunately it was absolutely belting down with rain...still we did have the opportunity of seeing anothe Bean (not as good as mine [in my opinion]) but still nice!

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Monsters vs Aliens

Went to see M v A at the IMAX this morning...was surprisingly good! It was a HP thing but I thought this one was OK...

Friday, 3 April 2009


I took my grandad to his wife's funeral today. Quite a surreal event really. He'd been married ot her for about 20 years...the relationship had caused a bit of a split in the family although I'd always maintained on good terms with everyone (I think).

Anyway, he's not in the best of health and is a resident in a nursing home in Stafford. His wife was taken in not long after he was and they'd been apart for some time. He didn't really know what was going on unfortunately...the strokes have cost him his mental abilities. Still - he went and that's important...