Watched the rugby tonight...England was playing Tonga. England won, they actually played quite well. They've got to play Australia next week...I don't think they'll beat them...
This is the blog of Phil, Sarah and two Alaskan Malamute's called Indi & Chief.
Watched the rugby tonight...England was playing Tonga. England won, they actually played quite well. They've got to play Australia next week...I don't think they'll beat them...
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Went back today to Wharncliffe Woods for a bike ride with Dan & Dil. You may recall this was the place that Dan & I went to a few months ago. Well, we decided to try it again and this time we found the real track! By Christ it was pretty much unrideable. We went down some of the black track and then headed over some of the downhill section. I fell over loads of times, but it was mainly whilst I was carrying my bike as opposed to when I was riding it! Dil and Dan had the same problems so I certainly was not alone!
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Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Labels: mountain bike, work
Went down to SJ's on Tuesday night...we met up first of all in Radlett to have a look round what the place was like at night and then we drove down to London. Radlett is a nice place. I think she (and I) will be very happy there..plenty to do and see and still not a million miles from London.
We went for a meal in Strada when we got back to London. Was OK...nothing really special though...service was awful! The following day I had to be up early as I had to get to Camberley for 9:00. Suffice to say I was there at 7:30 and was a little tired!
Was a good weekend in London. Went to Kos Bar (next to SJ's) to watch the Rugby...England lost 33-0...still was a good night though...
Next day we pottered around Borough Markets and Camden Market, and went to the London festival afterwards. There were some really good Sixties dancer's there bopping along to the sounds of the Bikini Beach Band...ace! They'd actually laid sand out along one of the bridges to make it look like a proper beach. It was really, really good!
We came back to SJ's in the afternoon. On the night we went out to Chez Gerard for a meal where I had Chateaubriand for the first time...was tres bien! We had a couple of drinks in a club and then back to the flat.
Sunday was a day spent pottering around the river...they had a couple of festival type things on and we watched those for a bit. Then, afraid it was back up the road home again...
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Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
This weekend I'm off to London. I'm going down with J & R and I'm picking them up about 3:30. I think tonight we'll be watching the rugby in a pub somewhere...not too sure about the rest of the weekend to be honest, although I'm sure a lot of drinking will be had by all!
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Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Its not rained now for well over two weeks. Its not been particularly hot but its definitely been dry. Last night I even had to water the garden as the grass was looking a little scorched! I went training last night with Chief. I'm taking it in turns with Indi & Chief...much easier than trying to do the two together. He was pretty good, if only I could get him to do the stays he' be brilliant!
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Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
I did a homecheck for Malamute Rescue the other day. The dog in question was Kai, one of rescue's longest rehomes. I went to see the prospective owners over in Stourport. I took Chief with me. All was well, I think the owners will be great for Kai, they have done a lot of research and I think are as prepared as they'll ever's a pic of kai and his new dad...
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Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Labels: rescue
Quite a lot to catch up with really...I keep thinking of things that i haven't mentioned and should have. ONe of them is the XBox 360 Elite. I decided to buy one the other day with some of the money I had from the M6 Toll Compensation money. I was a little torn between the Playstation 3 and the XBox. I plumped for the XBox in the end as it has better games and should have better HD content as it will be able to download HD content directly. The games I have so far are Bioshock, MotoGP 07 & Blue Dragon.
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Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Today, I had my final bit pertaining to the divorce...the sealed Consent Order. That's it, all over finished...just glad this bit came through OK as this was the bit I was a little worried about. One more solicitors bill to pay and I'm done!
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Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Went down to Radlett on Saturday to view SJ's house again. Its still really nice. Very exciting! I think that once the dogs are settled, I'll end up renting the Rugeley house and living down there full time. The main street is great, lots of cafe's restaurants & bars...very cosmopolitan!
Also did the FTD on Sunday,well some of it anyway...was a bit hot so decided to do the green route and some of FTD. Not a bad run though.
Went round Grandad's afterwards, he's looking a little old now. Mind you he had a bad cold so that doesn't help...
Posted by
Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Labels: mountain bike, radlett, sj
On Saturday we went to the Elms, they had a karaoke night on...SJ sang Ernie...very good!
Also went over the Chase with the dogs, I've found a new route...
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Phil, Sarah, Indi & Chief
Labels: cannock chase, friends, sj